Parking lots with striping are often mentioned as a “best business startup”. I can’t disagree more. Striping is the best of all. It’s a straightforward business to begin and to maintain. And…it’s simple to master. There are just (3) job opportunities in striping: Re-stripe to existing layout and pattern Re-stripe to the Layout of the Present and Pattern Over Seal Coat as well as a New Layout. It’s also possible to stencil. However, it’s true that it…the stencil does the difficult part. So long as everything is aligned and pretty…you’re all set Parking Lot.
Machines aren’t difficult to understand as well. There are two kinds. They are the Conventional Line Striping Machine and the Airless Line Striping Machine. The Conventional is powered by an air compressor of a smaller size, while the Airless works…well…you already knew it…without the use of an air compressor. airless!
You’ll need to be aware of the cost and profits. This might be simpler than you imagine. Overhead space isn’t that big. You can work from your garage. You can purchase paint when you require it. There are a variety of types available: water-based, Oil based, Acetone based, and (2) Part epoxy. And…again…buy paint only when you are on your way to your job. Another thing…once you’ve bought stencils…you’re not likely to be able to afford to pay for them next year! My stencils have been around for (16) years…and more!
The process of starting up is also easy. A machine costs $3500.00. Stencils cost $75.00 or more. (At the very least, it’s not an $30,000.00 starting point!) That’s it! (Maybe you can rent a trailer or one call to your insurance company.) Begin by working around the current work. The majority of striping jobs happen during times when the business or store is closed. So…stripe the Bank on a Saturday afternoon. You can stripe your Strip Mall late into the midnight.
If you’re in search of an excellent business…easy to start…easy to run…easy to maintain…limited competition…almost economic proof…consider parking lot striping. Get good. Perform well and you will be home in no time.